I’m very excited be sharing best of 2023 from last year!  It’s great to look back and reflect on another awesome year of amazing days.

2023 saw me to go to 41 weddings, all across the country. I met so many lovely people and above all witnessed so much love, joy and incredible moments. Next month I will have been a full time Surrey wedding photographer for 10 years – I can’t quite believe it! Time really does fly by.

In 2023 I went past 400 weddings which is a crazy stat to consider. I really have seen it all and probably could double up a wedding planner with all the experience I have and all that I’ve witnessed!

What I’m so thankful for is that I still really love weddings as much as ever. I still get excited for each one and get a real buzz from capturing every wedding. I still believe it really is an honour to have such a front row seat of a day and be there for it all. I hope to keep shooting weddings for many years still to come, whilst I love t.

I hope you enjoy this little summary – the best of 2023 from Jonny MP. It’s not an easy task to take over 45,000 photos delivered down to 150! Lots I wanted to include sadly had to be left behind!

On reflection these maybe aren’t the ‘best’ but rather a nice little summary of my style and the essence of wedding photography that I really believe in, and strive for! These are the sorts of photos that I think wedding photography should be about.

If these sorts of wedding photos are what you’re looking for do get in touch. I’d love to hear from you!


February 9, 2024

The Best of 2023
